
Here you will find useful information to prepare the Integrated Skills Exam (Trinity College London).


1. Talking to the examiner
Click here, if you want to watch an interview
a. greetings and general conversation
good morning/afternoon/evening
--- Please sit down ---------------Thank you
---What's your name? --------------
---How do you spell ()? -----------
---How are you ? ------------------ Fine thanks, and you
---How old are you? ---------------I'm ()
---have you ever taken one of these exams before? --- ()
---Can I have your topic form? ----Yes, of course. Here you are. I've chosen .... for my topic
b.discussion on your topic
-Remember you must prepare a Topic form with 4 main topics
--To download a topic form, click here
- Give the topic form to the examiner at the beginning of the exam
- The examiner will decide which main topics to discuss with you and the order in which you will talk. You must ask the examiner a question at some stage.
-- Topic presentation: Do's and Don'ts
a. Don't choose a topic you are not interested in or don't know much about
b. Don't prepare a monologue for the presentation. The examiner doesn't want you to just repeat a speech you've learnt
c. Don't expect to be asked about your topic in the order of the points on the topic form
d. prepare enough material to talk up to 5 minutes
e. ask the examiner at least one question on the subject of your topic (example: what about you, have you...................... like this?)
f. bring pictures, photos, diagrams, models, maps or other suitable objects to the exam if you think they will help the discussion
g. Don't bring anything that's alive to the exam, e.g. insects or animals!!
c. conversation on subject areas/portfolio
- ISE 0: one subject area will be selected by the examiner from the list below:
Holidays- Shopping- School and work- Hobbies and sports- Food- Weekend and seasonal activities
- ISE I: one subject area will be selected by the examiner from the list below:
Travel- Money- Fashion- Rules and regulations-Health and Fitness- Learning a foreign language
- REMEMBER: ISE I candidates should not select their topic from the list of subject areas above
d. ending and saying goodbye
-Examiner: That's the end of the exam. thank you very much. Goodbye
- Student: Thank you. Goodbye.
In the ISE I exam, you have to answer questions about the tasks you chose for your Portfolio.
- Why did you choose this question?
- Why did you choose to write a () ?
- Now, which task did you enjoy doing the most?
- Why?
-Tell me, how many drafts did you do for the tasks, before the final version?
- Did anyone help you improve the first two drafts?
- So how long did it take you to do the tasks?

5 comentarios:

  1. Interview Practice- Introduction and conversation
    Work in pairs
    1. What/name?
    2. How/spell?
    3. When /born?
    4. Where/born?
    5. Where/live?
    6. What/hobbies?
    7. What/do/when/leave/school?
    8. What/hope/study/university?
    9. After/university/what/plans?
    10. What/favourite/type/entertainment?
    11. Which/prefer/cinema/theatre?
    12. What/films/see/recently?

  2. Interview Practice- General conversation
    In pairs, practise your conversation skills for the exam.
    The examiner is going to ask you questions about something you've done recently. Think of an event. Think about what you did, where, who with, when, etc. You will need to ask the examiner a question
    Ask the candidate questions about something she/he has done recently. Think of questions to help you find out the details of the event, e.g. where it happened, when, who with, why, etc.
    Examiner: Tell me something you've done recently
    Candidate: Let me think. Ah, yes I know

  3. Practice- Topic Phase

    Here are some questions an examiner might ask you. In pairs, ask each other the questions below and give your own answers.

    - Do you like going to the cinema?
    - What type of films do you like to see?
    - How often do you go to the cinema?
    - Do you prefer watching films on TV or at the cinema?
    - Who is your favourite actor or actress?
    - Can you recommend a film you have seen recently?
    - What is your favourite programme?
    - How much TV do you watch every day?
    - Would you rather watch an action film or a romantic film?

  4. Interview Practice-
    Think of three questions about entertainment to ask your teachers:
    Which actor do you prefer, Antonio Banderas or George Clooney?

    A few ideas:
    - What/prefer/classical concerts/ rock concerts?
    - Who/ prefer/Leonardo Di caprio/ Kate Wislet?
    - What/prefer/going/clubs/visiting/friends?
    - Who/prefer/Madonna/Kylie Minogue?

  5. Practice Task:
    What would you rather do, buy the CD or go to the concert?
    In pairs, ask and answer questions using the words below:
    - What/rather/go to/musical/ play?
    - What/rather/watch TV/listen to music?
    - What/rather/see/film/go/ restaurant?
    - What/rather/buy/DVD/video?
